AutosportLabs Telemetry live data streaming kits voor AIM en alle andere can bus ecu’s en dataloggers
AutosportLabs Telemetry Live Data
€795.00 excl. BTW | €961.95 incl. BTW
ALBI Engineering is officieel dealer van AutosportLabs live data streaming systemen.
NIEUW! Nu ook mogelijk op alle andere merken dataloggers! De AutosportLabs Racecapture Pro Mk4 en PodiumConnect Mk2 kits hebben 2x volledig programmeerbare can bus, dus voor elke ecu of datalogger (AIM, Motec, Race Technology, Bosch, EcuMaster, Haltech, Emtron, etc) te programmeren.
Telemetrie, kijk live mee met je auto!
Na veel testen heeft ALBI alle AIM can kanalen kunnen traceren op de interne EXP(ansion) can bus welke ook voor de Smartycam en GPS module gebruikt wordt. Er kunnen nu eenvoudig 26 parameters via de 4G GSM telemetrie-kit worden doorgestuurd via de AIM can expansion datahub. Op can2 kunnen uiteraard meer apparaten of sensoren kunnen worden toegevoegd.
ALBI heeft een plug&play oplossing ontwikkeld om AIM data (o.a. toerental, olie-, benzinedruk, olie-, water-, diff-, baktemperatuur, accuspanning, gaspedaalstand, benzinetankniveau, bandenspanningen etc) + 8 analoge inputs (op de Pro Mk4) Telemetrie kit zelf + gps speed en positie live te streamen naar de cloud om dit (met eigen inlogcode) vanaf je tablet of pc via internet te volgen op
De AutosportLabs kit kan dus simpel worden worden aangesloten op de CAN EXPansion of datahub van je AIM logger, op de programmeerbare can2 van sommige AIM systemen of op de can bus van andere systemen en sensoren. Er wordt verder gebruik gemaakt van een prepaid data-simcard en het 3G/4G netwerk. Dus geen grote antennes, storingen, vergunningen etc. O.a. tijdens de 24h races van Creventic (Dubai, Silverstone, Barcelona, etc) is het systeem uitvoerig getest.
De telemetrie plug&play kit kan o.a. gekoppeld worden aan de AIM PDM/MXL2/MXS/MXG/MXL/MXM/Evo4/Evo5/Solo2DL. Mbv de interne ecu interface van AIM kunnen dus naast de analoge inputs, ook van meer dan 1000 ecu’s de parameters doorgestuurd worden.
Er zijn 2 types:
AutosportLabs PodiumConnect Mk2 (alu behuizing, gebruikt AIM gps, 2x can bus, geen analoge inputs) plug&play AIM telemetrie kit: € 795.- ex btw.
AutosportLabs Racecapture Pro Mk4 (alu behuizing, gps, 2x can bus, 8 analoge inputs) plug&play AIM telemetrie kit: € 1095.- ex btw.
Dit is inclusief AIM configuratie software by ALBI, gps antenne met lange kabel (Pro), gsm dak-antenne met lange kabel, can kabel met AIM connector voor AIM EXP can output of Datahub.
Can mapping AIM:
Standaard data:
GPS snelheid
GPS positie
Roll, pitch, gyro
Acc X, Y, Z
Via ‘ AIM Smartycam’ can:
Gear nr
Benzinetank niveau
9 zelf configureerbare parameters!
RaceCapture/Pro is door AutosportLabs ontwikkeld voor zowel trackday rijders als professionele endurance racers. Analyseer live je rondetijden, record snelheid ,g-krachten, gyro en motor data.
ALBI Engineering is official dealer of AutosportLabs systems.
Powerful data for your race car!
Telemetry, watch live data of your car!
NEW: AutosportLabs kits have fully programmable can bus, so easy to connect to every ecu of datalogger (Motec, Race Technology, Bosch, EcuMaster, Haltech, Emtron, etc)!
After many tests ALBI Engineering found all AIM channels on the internal can bus. 26 parameters can be easily send with 4G GSM telemetry-kit by using the AIM can expansion datahub.
ALBI has made a plug&play solution to stream live AIM data (f.e. rpm, oil-, fuelpressure, oil-, water-, diff-, geartemperature, battery voltage, throttle, fuel level, etc) + 8 analogue inputs (on the Pro Mk4) Telemetry kit itself + gps speed and position to the cloud to follow this (with your own account and password) on your tablet or pc by internet.
The AutosportLabs kit can be connected to the CAN EXPansion or datahub of your AIM device. Further you need a prepaid data-simcard for a mobile phone with 4G network.
So no big antennas, interference, licenses, etc. The system is tested during several teams and races of the Creventic 24h series at Dubai, Silverstone, Barcelona, etc.
The telemetry kit can be connected to the AIM PDM/MXL2/MXS/MXG/MXL/Evo4/SoloDL. Next to the analogue inputs, with the internal ecu interface of AIM, the kit can send ecu parameters of more then 1000 ecu’s.
There are 2 types:
AutosportLabs Racecapture Pro Mk4 (alu housing, gps, 2x can bus, 8 analogue inputs) plug&play AIM telemetry kit: € 1095.- ex btw.
AutosportLabs PodiumConnect Mk2 (alu housing, uses AIM gps, 2x can bus, no analogue inputs) plug&play AIM telemetry kit: € 795.- ex btw.
This is including AIM configuration software by ALBI, gps antenna with long cable (Pro), gsm roof antenna with long cable, can cable with AIM connector for the AIM EXP can output or datahub and manual.
Standard data:
GPS speed
GPS position
Roll, pitch, gyro
Acc X, Y, Z
Battery voltage
By ‘AIM Smartycam’ can:
Gear nr
Fuel level
9 self configurable parameters!
By RaceCapture/Pro 8 extra analogue inputs possible.
RaceCapture/Pro is designed by Autosport Labs for both trackday drivers as professional endurance racers. Analysing live your laptimes and record speed, g-forces, gyro and engine data.
Software downloads:
Manual Telemetry settings:
APN settings of several providers:
Check with a mobile phone if there is no security code on the Simcard (f.e. 0000) and if Internet is working! telemtry is only working when system is powered with 12 volt!
A lot of networks are working but here are some self tested networks with settings:
Always connected (KPN+others)
Apn host: globaldata.iot
No username
No password
Apn host:
Apn user name: lmnl
Apn password: plus
Apn host:
Apn user name: vodafone
Apn password: vodafone
Telekom Multi Daten SIM
Apn host: internet.telekom
Username: blanco
Password: blanco
Always connected (KPN+others)
Apn host: globaldata.iot
No username
No password
Proximus :
Username: blanco
Password: blanco
Host: internet
Username: orange
Password: orange
Host: internet
Username: orange
Password: orange
Username: blanco
Password: blanco
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